Thursday 22 December 2011


Meditators Needed

I am channeling this message for all masters. Many thoughts have come to us about how the new masters can contribute. Not by doing anything that attracts attention. Not by giving the world more density on any level. Not by contacting the deceived about how they are being controlled. All you need to do is meditate.

Maybe this appears too easy. Can any of you complain about this? Children of God can contribute their light best when there are no divisive attitudes, i.e. me against them. There are no divisive attitudes active when you are mentally quiet.

Fake dramas will continue because the controllers are in a dilemma about how to control all who live on Mother Earth. Instead of doing the things they anticipate, do none of these things. Quiet the dream that is held together by the data that comes from your media. Can you delete dross producing contacts and negative opinions from your mind? If not, can you refrain from absorbing the news and other media content for awhile? And can you meditate one hour daily?

Beliefs abound about the media's contribution to man's cancer delivering choices. All of your medical news is dross. All news about changes in government direction is dross, and all the news about current affairs is concocted by those masquerading as directors of the military, cautionary agencies, informed doctors and nameless authors who are duped into delivering more dross than news. Are these things happening? Yes, but not as they appear. Some of you are able to contain your anger about what is being given, but most cannot, and the dross in this anger creates more dross. Will you refrain from giving your attention to your news as well as any commentary about how the controllers are making their control known? By revealing this material they are activating upset so you will demand different actions. Those who make these demands will be the ones they target for delivery to the camps. Beware of making demands, as getting caught in objecting is another drama about to appear. Be one with all and not out campaigning against anything.

Does this mean the Occupy movement must be abandoned? Are you getting my drift? Control of those  opposed to existing conditions is about to get stronger. The goal is to make contact with anyone who is  capable of dissent. Careful cooperation in groups that are generally quiet can maintain the opposition in a less overt manner. What can we do to collaborate with those meditating? Anchor light for all in the area.

Attacking, menacing, corrupt change agents are able to deliver you to a camp of activist cohorts and you will not be able to come out of these camps. Not able means locked up. Will you take my word for this? Camps are already awaiting any disturbance generators who oppose mass media's delivery of news about change. This channeling is advance notice of the next criminal outrages that no amount of dissent will be able to contain.

My dear ones, mastery means "no disturbance." Give no heed to these actions and deceptions. Give no attention or action to defend your rights. What is coming needs more dross diminished by quiet, meditating healers. YOU! Can you give this gift to the rest? If so, in the weeks to come your level of peace and awareness will present the controllers with a challenge they will have no ability to control. When this occurs, the light can eliminate their control. Work with us to develop some new cause and effect abilities that can counter the changes intended in the controller's agenda. Walk in balance. Cancel all dissent. Arm yourself with an open heart and a mind clear of dross. Be a master and do nothing to attract attention.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

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